Journal Articles
Tang, A., Kumar, A., Saraswat, K., Wong, H.-S.P., Pop, E., et al., “Toward Low-Temperature Solid-Source Synthesis of Monolayer MoS2”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021 [link] [PDF]
Nazif, K. N., Hong, J., Lee, N., Vaziri, S., Kumar, A., Saraswat, K., et al., "High-specific-power flexible transition metal dichalcogenide solar cells", Nature Communications, 2021 [link] [PDF]
Nazif, K. N., Kumar, A., Saraswat, K. et al., “High-Performance p–n Junction Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Photovoltaic Cells Enabled by MoOx Doping and Passivation”, Nano Letters, 2021 [link] [PDF]
Kumar, A., Islam R., Pramanik, D., Saraswat, K., “On the Limit of Defect Doping in Transition Metal Oxides”, JVST-A, 2019 [link] [PDF]
Kumar, A., Dey, A., Dhir, A., Kabra, D. “Quantitative Estimation of Exciton Quenching Strength at Interface of Charge Injection layers and Organic Semiconductor”, Organic Electronics, 2016 [link] [PDF]
Kumawat, N. K., Dey, A., Kumar, A., Kabra, D. et al., “Band Gap Tuning of CH3NH3Pb (Br1-xClx)3 Hybrid Perovskite for Blue Electroluminescence”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015 [link] [PDF]
Conference Publications
Kumar, A., Schauble, K., Neilson, K., Tang, A., Ramesh, P., Wong, H.-S.P., Pop, E., Saraswat, K. “Sub-200 Ω·µm Alloyed Contacts to Synthetic Monolayer MoS2”, IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2021 [link] [PDF]
Kumar, A., Tang, A., Wong, H.-S.P., Saraswat, K. “Improved Contacts to Synthetic Monolayer MoS2 - A Statistical Study”, IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC), 2021 [link] [PDF]
Kumar, A., Nazif, K. N., Ramesh, P., Saraswat, K. “Doped WS2 transistors with large on-off ratio and high on-current”, IEEE Device Research Conference, 2020 [link] [PDF]
Nazif, K. N., Kumar, A., de Menezes, M. T. M., Saraswat, K. “Towards high Voc, thin film, homojunction WS2 solar cells for energy harvesting applications”, SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2019 [link] [PDF]
Suh, J., Ramesh, P., Meng, A. C., Kumar, A., Saraswat, K., et al. “Low Resistance III-V Hetero-contacts to N-Ge”, SSDM Conference, 2017 [link] [PDF]
Kumar, A., Kumawat, N. K., Maheshwari, P., Kabra, D. “Role of Halide Anion on Exciton Binding Energy and Disorder in Hybrid Perovskite Semiconductors”, IEEE PVSC Conference, 2015 [link] [PDF]